Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why do we do it ?

Over the weekend just gone we had  a session on the feeders on Sillan. Rob had picked up a cracking feeder rodover the Christmas and was dying to try it out. A Drennan Stillwater 11/12.5ft specifically for targeting roach and skimmers. We set up initially on the first couple of swims on the match stretch and got to it quite quickly. After some recent talk over the net regarding Wagglers I elected to fish a fixed one at about 20 yards into about 7 foot of water. After a couple of biteless hours it was obvious it wasn't going to happen for us so we packed up.
On the way back to the car we decided to have a bit of time off the Jetty with just the feeder gear and reckoned if we had nothing after 30 mins or so we'd call it a day. You guessed it we had nothing.
I gt a chance to try out Robs new Rod and it really is a lovely bit of kit. I gave it an hour and although I was enjoying the rod, with not so much as a sucked maggot we called it a day and headed for home.
A dissapointing few hours reminded us to pay more attention to conditions and local knowledge and though we assured ourselves that we would, yeah right..................
It's not always about catching, beautiful....

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