Monday, June 20, 2011

Time for the commercials

No, it's not time to make a cuppa !!!!
Rob got the really good news that he had been selected for the Leinster Junior panel to fish an interprovincial match in early July so we decided to give the commercials a go. Toomans in
Leitrim was first up and we headed off with dreams of carp pulling elastic all over the lakes.
We were accompanied by Gary Kearney and Ron Durkin and arrived bright and early only to
find the match lake alive with spawning carp !!!!! Not much chance of a bag of carp there we decided, so
we elected to fish the bottom lake. Lovely place, nicely tucked away on the site and swims were bagged.
The 4 of us settled in and were soon joined by Ollie and Derek from FTI along with a friend of theirs.

There was a couple of fish thrashing about in the middle,  but that was going to seter the 7 of us.
What did deter us was a complete lack of any action around our various swims. Derek was doing OK on maggots and was getting fish quite regularly, the rest of us were getting nothing except frustrated.
A bite to eat and Gary, Rob and myself figured we might aswell move. So up sticks and back
to the match lake where things had quitened down a bit. We gave it a go here for a couple of hours and eventually I managed to tempt a bite.

A decent scrap ensued but there was allways only going to be one winner,

That was it for the day, we packed up shortly after and headed for the long drive home knowing that we were back at the same venue the following week with gang from FTI AC.

The week passed and plans were made to fish the venue differently on our second visit. After spawning the carp were feeding on naturals, so mags, caster and worm were the chosen bait for the return trip. Smaller rigs were tied, i.e. smaller hooks and floats.
16 of us arrived and everyone was in good form, the usual banter ensued and after a draw which saw me on the end bank with a big wind straight at me and lashings of rain to accompany it.
I had decided on two lines only, one close and one at 7m. The line close in was 4 maybe 5 feet
at the bottom of the shelf and the 7m line was considerably deeper, probably twice as much.
Choppies and caster on the near line had me land an orfe and a skimmer in the first 15 minutes.
It all went downhill from there and nothing I tried would tempt anything. Several, cold and wet
miserable hours later I'd had enough. Pleasure fishing ?? pleasure my arse.
It was dammned hard work and had it not been for the surroundings and the company it would have been a complete disaster.
A week off work and we're going to give G'Town a go, hopefully that will restore our
faith in commercials,

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