Monday, February 4, 2013

Back on the bank,

The last few months has seen very little happening on the fishing front for Team Kavo but we resolved to put that right this weekend and despite being short on some kit, i.e. we've only got one
pole between us we headed for The Barrow. We're slap bang in the middle of upgrading a lot of our kit, boxes, poles all being upgraded, so I was the designated driver and kit carrier for the day while Rob got to kick off our new year on his new (ish) Rive D36 of all things.
A call to one of the locals had us on the main river at 09.00 but after a biteless couple of hours we
opted for a move and that turned out to be a good call. We gave it a go with various rigs up to and including a 15gr Sensas Flat Float but there was nothing to show for it and happily we've learned to know when things aren't going to happen so we moved.
A couple of miles out the road and we're on one of the overflow canal stretches with time to see
what we could do. The last few weekends had seen a couple of knock ups with some decent winter weights so we were hopefull of getting amongst them.

Didn't take to long to get re set and a .75 comfortable top 3 was soon being plumbed up to the far bank. Bit of inside info was that all the fish were coming off the far bank with nothing getting caught down the track or on an inside line. Theres quite a flow on these canals so am assuming they are staying in the slightly calmer water. Three balls of grounbait were cupped in and from the off decent roach were happily taking 3 pinkies on an 18 hook. It's fair to say were well out of practise and our kit needs some attention but we stumbled along, thrashed a couple of rigs, adapted a couple more, and cursed not having heavier hooks / hooklengths. That said we were getting bites regularly enough and hardly a swinger amongst them, only one in fact, a wee dace.
Another netter,

The few hours flew past, I had a quick dabble myself but in the main it was Robs day and when we packed it in 35 fish, weighed 15lbs 10 ozs. Mainly roach but a couple of dace, skimmers and hybrids were also tempted.
Great Winter fishing,

Good to be back on the bank, all hail The Barrow system,

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