Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting Close now,

With just a week before the Junior Inter Provincial match and Rob on the Leinster team, we decided on a trip to the venue for a days practise. Inniscarra is a long haul for us, three and a half hours each way so a very early start was called for. That was the first problem we had, I overslept and it was 05.30 before we were on the road. 09.00 and we're parking the car hoping we've got the right place.
Down the hill through the field with the gear and a couple of hours later we're good to go/
Clean comfortable banks, pleanty of room behind and you could almost be on a commercial but we're not. It's the wild open expanse of the Inniscarra waterway. A beautifull spot with some superb fishing and we're there, giving it a go.
We had a plan leaving the house that we'd fish a four hour "match" to CIPS rules and then for a bit of extra enjoyment we'd get the feeder rods out and see what might happen. That was the plan but as is often the case it didn't quite happen.

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