Monday, August 1, 2011

The canal called.

Well I just had to answer it. Early this morning Rob can't get out of bed so I'm on my own and it's our old favourite and the spot where it all began. Unusually there's great colour in the water today and the parked up weed cutter that may have been the cause of it had me feeling optimistic. Two lines as ever for my pleasure sessions. The bottom line was down the track and fed with chops, caster and groundbait. Left alone for 30 mins while I mucked about at mid depth, chasing small fish for a bit of float dipping action and sure enough, dip dip
on a resonably often enough basis. Using a small cad pot had a regular stream of mags and dusty groundbait falling through the water right on the button. Lifting and dropping a single red on a size 20 Drennan hook brought the bites about a foot off the bottom. I was getting quick bites on the drop so shallowed up thinking they were higher in the water but that had me fishless for 15 mins so a look on the deep line. started on caster and had a nice roach but it took too long. Slipped on a single red mag and minutes later this was charging about the place and came clean out of the water at one stage !!!!
Theres only tiddlers in there mister, yeah shhhhhh                                                                                                                                                                                    


Straight back to that line thinking there might be more lead to dissapointment. They either weren't there or I couldn't tempt one but I got no more of that stamp. Back to the shallow line and slowly I'm getting them going again until to my surprise a boat appears on my left coming from the town. That slowed things down again and great and all as it is to see them........... Kept a steady stream of loose bait going in and here we go again dipity dip dip and I'm happy swinging blips on no 4 elastic. Then and I think this is a first for me
another boat !!! In the opposite direction this time, maybe it's a relay race I thought. This one really did put the downers on things and a biteless hour after that I headed for brekkie.The final look at my catch had me happy enough .

Lovely mornings fishing on a special canal stretch, I really love being an angler. I often think we forget that.

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