Monday, August 1, 2011

Not great really.

Well Robs off and running with feeder fishing and despite a couple of poor days he's enjoying it.

The Junior All Ireland was held in Cavan this year on the match stretch in KIllykeen so off we went with         Mrs Kavanagh in tow !!! About time we had a bit of glamour on the bank I say, so I came along too !!!
A beautifull sunny day mid summer day, no wind, real live sunshine and the crystal clear water meant it wasn't going to be easy for any of the 20odd juniors that entered and so it proved.
Few fish were caught along the stretch so Josh Kavanaghs bag of over a kilo was allways going to be hard
to better and he was duly crowned Junior All Ireland Champion, our congrats to him. Rob gave it his best shot, we tried several different things over the 3 hours but nothing really worked and he ended up with few fish for few grams. Not to worry it was a lovely day on the feeder, he's learning and will only improve.

Saturday 31/07 had us in Cavan, in the wonderful surroundings of Leonards in Gowna. Deep, deep place that and we headed there to give Rob some practice fishing top 4's, at least that was the idea. We were joined by Ron Durkin and Derek Gibbons or did we join them ?

on what looked to be a perfect day for fishing. Well it looked like one but wasn't one. Tough going again for all of us. The three lads all started on a pole line, I got the feeder gear out from the off, and at 20 turns was getting a count of 20 when I cast a wee lead out at the start. I'm hoping for bream so it's chops and caster from the off and plenty of it. Perch are fond of the old worm and that was all I could get. Mind it was more than the other 3 managed and pole lines were abandoned after about an hour.
So it's all out feeder warfare, we lost. Very little to show for all our efforts and Rob was the only one to get anything even remotely close to a decent fish. To be fair Rob, it is remotely close to a decent fish, not actually a decent fish !!!!!!!!
Peadar Hearten joined us for a natter and the fishing kind of stopped at that stage, as we sat on the bank
having a laugh at our own and everyone elses expense. The day ended pretty much then and we headed for home, happy enough after a nice day in Cavan.

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