Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 2 Practise at Magiscroft, Junior Celtic Cup 2011

Frustrated but sticking with instructions
Day two Saturday and it's official practise day, with all 3 teams practising at the same time and that was held at the same time as the next days match time, 12.00 to 16.00. Wales took the far bank, where we had practised the previous day, Scotland the lower number on the near / cafe bank and we settled in to the higher numbers on the near bank. Our side was deeper than the previous day and this was selected deliberatley so as to give the lads more time fishing top 4's & 5's. Gavin had spoken the previous day about fine tuning rigs, as the first day had shown up some shortcomings in that area. Shorter hooklengths, shorter line between poles and floats and floats better shotted was the order of the day and give the lads their credit, in that area they looked better but still room for improvement, there allways is.
As per the previous day each team member was giving a specific task and a couple of different tactics were tried, some had success and some didn't. 
Eh ! am I back on KIlcock ??

The fishing all round the lake was poor enough with no notable weights from any of the teams.
Our overall weight was down on the previous day but lads who hadn't done so well on day 1 did on day two and vice versa.

We packed up at 16.00 hrs and got together for a chat about the two days.

As we packed gear away and carted it up Hearattack Hill Gavin spent time by the lake tying up and fine tuning rigs for anyone that felt they needed them. 
The draw was done for sections on the Saturday evening before we left and the excitement was starting to build even more as lads started to get an idea of where they would actually be fishing for the big day.
Sections A,B,C, & D were on the near / cafe bank, E, F, G, & H were on the far shallower (ish) bank.
Peg numbers were added on the Sunday morning

Based on what we had figured from the 2 days fishing and some shared info from other teams we had a plan
for the big day. Bring it on...............

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