Monday, March 19, 2012

A Different Angle

I'm in C&J Angling getting bait for the weekend and one of my favourite venues us throwing up
a few fish on the feeder but from the other end of the lake. Theres been a bit of bait going in during the week and a few lads fished it yesterday so up and at 'em. Bad news on the Sunday evening from
Joe, it fished poorly yesterday they struggled.
Oh Yeah, wheres my rod ?

We've arranged to meet Davy from FTI and as we set up and get sorted I'm unsure what might happen.
The wind had changed to a SW and theres more cloud then yesterday, I'm thinking we might be OK.
The word was skimmers and hybrids were coming out but no bream as yet. I decided to take no chances, Kamisan Animal in a size 16 to 4lb hooklength would tame any hybrid I figured.  I knew the area had been fished the day before with nothing much coming out so a bit of a teaser around how much bait to put out. I settled on 6 casts of a closed feeder with caster and choppies and then on went the hooklength. With little happening to three rods it became apparent early that we were going to struggle. I then had 4 wee skimmers on double red mags and thought maybe we might be on to something. The other two lads weren't having any better luck, it was slow.
Another roach going in the keepnet
The SW wind was off our backs and with the odd glimpse of morning sun it was pleasant enough, time for a cuppa. After a brew I decided to slow things down and clipped on a small feeder and a single red maggot. Not long after the tip bangs round and it's something better than a wee skimmer.
A couple of minutes later and a bream, yes an actual bream is gliding over the surface of the water into my landing net. Right then bugger that, bigger hook a 14 Kamizan Animal and big lump of worm on the hook, I'll have a few more of those please. No actually I won't,  an hour ish went by without a bite. Worm, mags, caster, pinkies  and various combinations of them were all tried. Out of the blue a couple of small slow pulls on the tip and before I knew it a new PB Bream of 4lb 4ozs is in the landing net.
4lbs 4 ozs
Not the biggest bream by any standards but my biggest.

Davy was packing up at this stage with little to show for an early start. Rob was getting a few roach having changed to a smaller feeder, a longer hooklength and no worm in the feeder. Not the bream he would have loved but bites nonetheless, he's finally christened the "New" Rod.
The same thing happened after the second bream, my swim went completely dead.

A very quiet hour or so went by after the second bream so we called it a day and started planning another trip, as we do.

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